非洲國家 津巴布韋總統大選 (Zimbabwe poll)-於 2008 年 3 月29 日舉行,迄今己逾十日結果尚未正式宣佈,執政黨與反對黨雙方對選舉結果僵持不下,國際社會雖同聲關切,但津巴布韋的政治情勢仍不明朗。

現任總統穆加比 (Robert Mugabe),高齡84,在位28 年,獨裁自負,政府貪污腐化,民生淍蔽,去年物價上漲1000倍,經濟結構己完全破產,民不聊生。在此情況下大選理應有利在野的反對黨,但是大權在握的執政黨,礙於權位利益,不想下台,於選舉結束後堅不宣佈選舉結果,企圖以拖待變,爭取時間,安排後路,雙方迄今仍堅持不下,國際介入無功。
以下是幾則BBC(英國廣播公司)及VOA(美國之音) 的新聞報導,請大家參考!

* 津巴布韋警方逮捕至少5名選舉官員,理由是他們有意少點數了投給現總統穆加貝的選票。
* 土地政策

二、Huge violence in Zimbabwe poll
* Zimbabwe's opposition says its activists have been attacked in a campaign of "massive violence" around the country since recent elections.
"Militias are being rearmed, Zanu-PF supporters are being rearmed," said MDC Secretary General Tendai Biti.
This year's election campaign has been relatively peaceful until now.
Meanwhile, a judge has agreed to hear an opposition request that the results of last month's presidential election be released, as an urgent matter.
"The case should proceed," said Justice Tendai Uchena in Harare's High Court.
He then began hearing the actual arguments of the case, reports Reuters news agency.
The opposition says the violence is meant to intimidate rural voters ahead of a possible run-off poll.
Independent and ruling party projections say opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai gained most votes but not the 50% needed to win outright.
His Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) says he gained 50.3% of the vote and so should be declared the winner.
President Robert Mugabe's Zanu-PF has demanded a recount of the vote, while police have arrested at least seven election officials, accused of under-counting votes cast for Zimbabwe's long-time leader.

三、Mugabe Survival Strategy Seen In New Zimbabwe Land Reform Turmoil
Many rural areas in Zimbabwe have been gripped by turmoil and at times violence in the wake of the March 29 elections whose outcome was still unknown on Tuesday in the case of the presidential ballot, amid speculation a run-off may be in the cards.
Liberation war veterans and ruling ZANU-PF party youth militia besieged all of the last 450 farms remaining in white hands in a replay of the turbulence that gripped the Zimbabwean countryside in the chaotic land reform drive begun in 2000.
Observers said such violence in rural areas looked like part of a strategy by ZANU-PF to bolster flagging support for Mr. Mugabe in rural areas and to intimidate those who voted against the 84-year-old incumbent in the presidential ballot March 29.
Mr. Mugabe in presidential campaign speeches, echoed by state media and prominent war veterans, charged that the opposition Movement for Democratic Change headed by Morgan Tsvangirai, his opponent (and according to MDC officials the president-elect), would reverse land reform and restore colonial-era inequities. Tsvangirai has proposed to establish a land commission to restore order to the farm sector.
Justice for Agriculture, an association of displaced white commercial farmers, said at least 60 farmers have been driven from their farms while another 120 voluntarily left for fear of violence amid threats from veterans, and to seek legal assistance.
Justice for Agriculture member Ben Gilson told reporter Carole Gombakomba of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe that latest evictions sent a shock through farming circles.
The Zimbabwe Liberators Platform, an association of liberation war veterans which is not aligned with President Mugabe, has urged the rival War Veterans Association of Zimbabwe and security service chiefs to respect the outcome of the elections.
The veterans group issued a statement saying it “watched with anxiety, apprehension, dismay and disbelief the comical circus” since the elections. It has accused the War Veterans Association of harassing and intimidating opposition members.
Liberators Platform co-founder Wilfred Mhanda told reporter Jonga Kandemiiri that ZANU-PF with the help of the war veterans has seized the land issue in an attempt to retain power, but said the mass appeal of the land reform issue has been exhausted.
More reports from VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe...

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