加蕯左廊,巴勒斯坦的一部份,由哈瑪斯派統治,在以色列南面,沿地中海。人口約110 萬人,對外、領空、領海受以色列控制。最近因火箭攻擊而受以色列禁運、軍事報復,暴力持續,使加薩人民生活困苦,巴、以恢復和談無望。兩則BBC 新聞,請參考!
上圖由左至右: 美國國務卿 萊斯女士與巴勒斯坦總統阿巴斯、以色列部隊入侵加薩後己撤回、以軍檢查控制進出加薩左廊的交通運輸。
Last Updated: Thursday, 6 March 2008, 07:17 GMT

Gaza conditions 'at 40-year low'(加薩人民生活為40 年來最壞情況!)

The groups say a battered, starved Gaza cannot be a peace partner
(殘破、飢餓的加薩 決不是和平的伙伴)
Conditions in Gaza (加薩現況)

Gaza's humanitarian situation is at its worst since Israel occupied the territory in 1967, say UK-based human rights and development groups.
They include Amnesty International, Save the Children, Cafod, Care International and Christian Aid.
They criticise Israel's blockade on Gaza as illegal collective punishment which fails to deliver security.
Israel says its military action and other measures
are lawful and needed to stop rocket attacks from Gaza.
Click here to for an enlarged map of the Gaza Strip
Israel pulled its troops and settlers out of the Gaza Strip in 2005, but retained control over Gaza's airspace and coastline, and over its own border with the territory.
It tightened its blockade in January amid a surge in rocket attacks by Palestinian militants in Gaza.
The groups' report, Gaza Strip: A Humanitarian Implosion, says the blockade has dramatically worsened levels of poverty and unemployment, and has led to deterioration in education and health services.

Gaza cannot become a partner for peace unless Israel, Fatah(法塔- 巴勒斯坦的最大派系,控制約旦河西岸地區) and the Quartet engage with Hamas(哈瑪斯- 巴勒斯坦次大派系,控制加薩左廊) and give the people of Gaza a future

Daleep Mukarji, Christian Aid

Gazans discuss Israeli raids
An asymmetric fight
Profile: Gaza Strip

More than 1.1 million Gazans(人口)are dependent on food aid and of 110,000 workers previously employed in the private sector, 75,000 have now lost their jobs(失業), the report says.
"Unless the blockade(禁運、封鎖) ends now, it will be impossible to pull Gaza back from the brink of this disaster and any hopes for peace in the region will be dashed," said Geoffrey Dennis, of Care International UK.
Last week Israeli forces launched a bloody and destructive raid in northern Gaza, in which more than 120 Palestinians - including many civilians - were killed.
Israel says the measures are designed to stamp out frequent rocket fire by Palestinian militants.
Recent rocket attacks(火箭攻擊) have hit deeper into southern Israel, reaching Ashkelon, the closest large Israeli city to the Gaza Strip.
Occupying power
The UK-based groups agree that Israel has the right and obligation to protect its citizens, urging both sides to cease unlawful attacks on civilians.

The Israeli army has cut access to Gaza for almost all traffic
But they call upon Israel to comply with its obligations, as the occupying power in Gaza, to ensure its inhabitants have access to food, clean water, electricity and medical care, which have been in short supply in the strip.
"Punishing the entire Gazan population by denying them these basic human rights is utterly indefensible," said Amnesty UK Director Kate Allen.
"The current situation is man-made and must be reversed."
Other recommendations from the groups include international engagement with the Hamas movement, which rejects Israel's legitimacy and has been shunned by Israel's allies, and the Fatah party of Palestinian West Bank leader Mahmoud Abbas.
"Gaza cannot become a partner for peace unless Israel, Fatah and the Quartet [the US and UN, Europe and Russia] engage with Hamas and give the people of Gaza a future," said Daleep Mukarji of Christian Aid.

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